A word from the Director
Hi there!
The year 2020 has been a challenging and uncertain year for many. It has been our goal to be a catalyst for positive change in our neighborhood—Elmhurst, Queens, and its surrounding community. The effects of a global pandemic exposed many of our communities’ deep weaknesses: food scarcity, poverty, longing for community, protective equipment shortage, and many more. But in these moments of great stress, many resilient young leaders were born under City Mission to tackle these programs. They have worked through the following City Mission programs: GYLT Summer, GYLTx, Remote Buddies, City Sisters, Building Blocks, Mentorship Program, Internship Program. You may not have heard their names often, but their work speaks volumes for the communities that they’ve impacted. This year, we’ve empowered and impacted over 1500+ people in different capacities, and we’re able to fundraise $24,000+ worth of PPE equipment at the peak of the pandemic.
Our impact would not have been possible without your donation supporting the City Mission team. We greatly appreciate the financial support that keeps our young changemakers dreaming and actualizing their solutions. Your donations support our thriving young changemakers.
For 2021, We hope to empower and equip more young leaders with skills to better serve the under-served groups of the Elmhurst, Queens neighborhood. Thank you all for your generosity and support!
Wei Loh